Calming and Patience

Calming and Patience

147 products
    Alleviate anger, tension and stress during tumultuous transitions or emotional growth. High-vibrational crystals and healing stones assist in opening the upper chakras, connecting one with the Divine, while grounding specimens absorb and transmute negative energy.
    147 products
    Blue Calcite Big Hearts - Uncommon Rocks
    Blue Calcite Big Hearts
    Howlite Blue Skulls
    Kambaba Jasper Spheres
    Howlite Tumbled
    Pink Tourmaline Tumbled
    Blue Calcite Raw Stones
    Rose Quartz Bracelet
    from €17,93
    Crazy Lace Dinosaur Carving
    Mookaite Jasper Dinosaur Carving
    Rose Quartz Hearts
    Black Moonstone Spheres - Uncommon Rocks
    Black Moonstone Spheres
    from €37,75
    Moss Agate Towers
    Ruby Zoisite Spheres
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