Broken Crystals
Why do crystal break?
There are many reasons why a crystal may break. Crystals are very fragile and just like any object in our home, they are prone to any wear and tear. They can accidently get broken by someone, our pets, fall off a shelf, or break in transit.
How to repair a broken crystal?
I recommend using E600 superglue. Its a is water clear adhesive for all sorts of lapidary repairs. It can be used on rocks and gems as a transparent glue for invisible bonding and it's waterproof and bond remains secure even when exposed to water. The superglue is also good for ceramics, glasses, and metals. It can be used to bond gems to metal bases, gems to glasses and to fill cavities. It bonds relatively quickly, in some 15 minutes, but the full strength is achieved in 2 hours. Allow the adhesive to completely cure for 72 hours before handling the crystal.
How to repair a cracked crystal?
Apply a bit of adhesive to the end of a toothpick.
Fill the crack in the crystal mineral with adhesive. The more adhesive you can add in the crack, the stronger the repair the crystal absorbs the adhesive. Reapply the glue into the crack as it is absorbed.
Allow the adhesive to completely cure for 72 hours before handling the crystal.